Thursday, 11 October 2012

Namche Bazar

Lukla, if you look closely you can see the airport
Made it to Lukla and started trekking yesterday. The flight was really scary but we made it to Lukla alive.Lukla airport is by the way supposedly the most dangerous airport in the world, but it was a nice view from the plane and everything went fine.

The trekking is great and I'm in a group with eight other people from different countries. They are all very nice and easy to get along with. The walking so far has been fine. I have a cold and have been taking some medicine for it but it doesn't seem to help. I feel fine just a bit harder to breath than normally, but that could be because of the altitude as well. We are now in Namche Bazar were we're staying two nights to be acclimatized to the altitude. Namche is on about 3443 meters and we started hiking from Lukla whciih is on 2800 meters. On our first day we \walked mostly downhill but yesterday we did 800meters uphill on about 6hours. Today we have just done a day walk up to the highest airport in the world and to two different viewpoints from where you could see Everest among other really high mountains.  My camera isn't working very well so I don't have any pictures of Everest to share with you...
Relaxing in the sun in Namche Bazar

This is probably the last place where I will be able to find an internet cafe so it will take a while until my next blog post. We will hopefully fly back from Lukla on the 21st and I'll try to update my blog as soon as I can after that. Will also try to upload some pictures on facebook, which is a bit easier to do from my phone (hopefully it will work).

Internet here is 200rupies for half an hour which can be compared to 20rupies an hour in Katmandu. So I should really save some money and go and hang out with my hiking group. Tonight we are going to play cards and I'll try to teach them the best card game in the world; Heisti Peisti. I might even pay for the luxury of a hot shower tonight, feels like I can need it now because from here on I don't think there will be any more showers... What you can do is just to embrace the dirtiness and enjoy this beautiful place I guess. Everywhere I look there is a mountain more beautiful than the previous one. I really love this place and I'm having a great time. Yesterday I even met some Swedish people and got to speak Swedish for the first time in two months which was great! Felt almost as being back home again. Miss you all!  
On our way up to Namche Bazar


  1. Hur gick det i kortspelet? fattade dom? Jonas undrar om det fanns kortlekar åt alla...? :) Se till att få bilder av dina resvänner sen!!!! Hoppas vi får lika fina utsikter i Pokhara så att vi kan fota med min kamera :D

    Hade bäst! (Förresten, nu har frosten kommit till Dalarna) Kram Syrran med make

  2. Vissa var faktiskt riktigt bra på kortspelen jag lärde ut och bubblan är mycket uppskattat. Köpte såklart lite extra kortlekar innan vi åkte så att alla skulle kunna vara med. Har även lärt mig lite nya spel, visar dig när du kommer hit! /sabina
